Need help-no trafic for ranking keyword


New Member
Hi All,

Normally if one keyword is ranking on top position with high competition ,that particular keyword provide traffic,but one of keyword "custom icon design" is ranking on top 6 with high competition 20600000 but its not providing any traffic.

I have checked Google analytics as well as AW stats but that particular keyword is showing 0 traffic.

Is that competition is wrong ?Please help me to solve this problem.

Rebecca Though your ranking is good but your site doesn't click by searchers. try to change page title to be more attrachtive by searchers
maybe just change the title to "Custom Icon Design" or "CUSTOM ICON DESIGN" I think its not possible, can you give me your url. I am just wondering ,till now i dint get a click from searcher ?????????????? thanks for your suggestion , we are working on changing the tittle tag ----------- I have sent u the url n mail, pls check it yeah maybe you have a keyword with high competition but its not wanted by browsers

any way i prefer to change title to attractive one....but don't change the main keyword from it...
That's odd, since the purpose of the whole seo thing is to actually drive traffic to your site in the first place... Maybe that keyphrase doesn't bring traffic ... I would be happy take a look at your website and evaluate it for important factors of internal SEO, to see if I able to notice any problems that could be causing the problem that you are currently experiencing.

If you would like for me a take a look at your website and make recommendations for improvements, feel