Need help manipulating gridview data in fields with no ID


New Member
I have a problem I have struggled with for two weeks and I have finally reached a dead end.I have a GridView loaded in an web application. The GridView loads data from a stored procedure in an SQL Server database. There are seven columns in the Gridview and twelve rows. In the first four columns, there are control fields and I can access the data without a problem. The issue is this:The last three columns are simply templatefields databound by the stored procedure and once they are loaded, I can only see them on the screen. When I access the datafield using the GridView.Rows[0].Cells[4].Text property, the value returned is always zero no matter what I see on the screen as the cell data.The data is loaded in one method and when the user clicks on a control, I run a button click event (separate method) to manipulate the data (with the exeception of the columns I can not access).How do I make sure the data in the last three columns are accessible in the button click event?