Need Help, Manager wants tabs to be links....


Staff member
:)<!--content-->People learn mostly from their mistakes. <br />
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My opinion - do what he wants you to do. After all, who is the boss? Only put your opinion in writing - email, for example, something to the extent of:<br />
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"As you've requested, there will be ..... done to ...... However, please, be advised that .... may potentially lead to ...... . The completion is scheduled for ..... Please, allow time for testing. Best regards, ketchupaholic" - you fill the blanks.<!--content-->:rolleyes:<!--content-->I don't understand what you mean with<br />
"Only on the homepage!" <br />
and I can't help with the degrading thing either but to get tabs to become links you can use an imagemap<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->:eek:<!--content-->Well,<br />
this may leed to the public opinion, that the site is sloppy (I hear you on this one) - which may lead to the public opinion that the company either a)doesn't care for it's face on the web, b)was cutting corners on site expense (remind you - public opinion) or c)doesn't follow through with projects, etc. - all of that affects company's business image - that may lead to the loss of business to some degree. Website of the company is like a curb appeal - customers make up their mind in the first 10 minuts based on the look and feel, not on the quality of the other traits of the company.<br />
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Did he give you a reason WHY he doesn't want them throughout the site?<!--content-->:p<!--content-->I think Daria gave the best advise, which you don't appear to want to hear. I will put it a less diplomatic way. The boss may not always be "right" but he/she is always the boss.<br />
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If you can't take direction than maybe you would find a different environment more to your liking.<!--content-->