Need help! Include file does not work


Hi All,
I have an default.aspx page, in that have include 1 .inc file
(<!-- #include file="inc/" -->)
but when browse the default.apsx page, the content does not display.
i had config the IIS allready for .inc extension.

Any help.
Tks alot.make a user control instead of an include. (.aspc)

EricI am not certain but I think you'd be better off using syntax like this:

<!-- #include virtual="inc/" -->
<!-- #include file="c:\wwwroot\inc\" -->

Funny thing is I get an error if I surf to a page that has a path to a missing include file and you do not mention an error when you surf to your default.aspx.thanks for your reply.
My problem is in some case it works, and others not.
I try to deploy my website in 1 server, it can not display, but in another, it can.
So i can not find out the reason.