Need help in this calculation


I have 3 tables: PO, POD, Item

PO: POID, del_status
POD: PODID, POID, item_id, qty_order
Item: item_id, qty_si

When I add first PO, the result is correct. I have 2 rec in POD

item_id | qty_order
1 | 10
2 | 20

result in item table will be

item_id | qty_si
1 | 10
2 | 20

which is correct

When I add the second PO, the result is correct. I have 1 rec in POD

item_id | qty_order
1 | 5

result in item table will be

item_id | qty_si
1 | 15
2 | 20

When I del first PO, the result is not correct.

result in item table will be

item_id | qty_si
1 | 5
2 | 20

item_id 1 is correct but item_id 2 still remain 20!

my way of code is

sql = "SELECT SUM(purchase_order_details.qty_order) as qty_order, purchase_order_details.item_id "
sql = sql & " FROM purchase_order_details, purchase_order WHERE purchase_order.del_status = 'N' "
sql = sql & " AND purchase_order.purchase_order_id = purchase_order_details.purchase_order_id "
sql = sql & " GROUP BY purchase_order_details.item_id"
rs.CursorLocation = 3
rs.Open sql, conn

if not rs.eof then
do while not rs.eof
sItemID = cint(rs("item_id"))

sql = " UPDATE item SET qty_si = " & rs("qty_order") & " WHERE item_id = " & sItemID & " "
conn.Execute( sql )
end ifyou are only selecting on the sum which is an aggergate function and the item id, of course its not going to have the 3 records, you must make them unique by adding in the POID into the query

SELECT SUM(purchase_order_details.qty_order) as qty_order, purchase_order_details.item_id, purchase_order_details.poid "
sql = sql & " FROM purchase_order_details, purchase_order WHERE purchase_order.del_status = 'N' "
sql = sql & " AND purchase_order.purchase_order_id = purchase_order_details.purchase_order_id "
sql = sql & " GROUP BY purchase_order_details.item_id,purchase_order_details.POID"on the delete issue , you need to delete the entries related to that PO Items i guess. seems you have child records with no parent.

what database are you attempting to use???

if you are using MS-SQL 2000 or MSDE you can write a trigger on delete of PO table that will also delete any child records.Thanks for the reply. I'm using mysql 4.0.24I got it fix. :-)you will have to waint until 5.0 for triggers......
