Need help from Ozzuvians


New Member
Hi,I would like to have a Bulk mail sender.Can you please suggest some free bulk mail sender tool where can I get it?Thanks in advance for your replies.Thanks and Regards,c.RajanI purchased the GroupMail Mass mailer after testing it for 3 months with there free version. Mine is for the soul purpose of sending my Monthly newsletter to Opt-in subscribers.GroupMail works off SMTP relays, so before you invest you need to find out what your ISP limits are or the E-mail Hosting accounts Limits that your using as the relay.If you are going to use a Mass mailer for Spammy purposes, I withdraw my recommendation... However if you are providing an informational service (E.G. News, Updates, Articles, Upgrades, Etc..) to current members / clients / subscribers Then I do suggest at least trying the free version of groupmail to see what its all about.The free version has a 100 e-mail addresses per group limit, However you can have as many groups as you want (Unlimited).(Just keep in mind the SMTP limitation check.) When I used one of my Domain e-mails through my Hosting account I was limited to their 250 per Day relay limit. When I switched to my local ISP empowered e-mails I was able to send 500+ Relays per day.Google: "GroupMail Mass mailer" & you will see several download & informational resources.Good Luck - And please don't use spammy tactics -Hi Scorpionagency,Thank you for your input. Am not going to use this mass mailer for spamming, 100% am going to use this for a good cause only. For Online marketing of our products what are all the ways can you suggest us to become success for good traffic and more hits. please suggest some good things.Thanks and Regards,C.RajanWell..........lots of tools and softwares for different purposes are created for the betterment, are available on the web. It depends to the people how they use it for good cause or for bad and "Bulk Email Sender" is also not exception.