No idea what's gone wrong.
I've been changing a few things on the forumhome template, and now certain forums won't allow me, or anyone else to submit a new thread.
It's only in certain forums.
You can click 'new thread' and it takes you to the editor, and lest you type away, but when you try to submit the thread, it doesn't do anything.
I have bluefox fluid/ fixed style, AND Greenfox fluid/ Fixed style installed. ALL these styles are the same- they won't allow me to submit a thread in certain forums.
But if I try it on the default style- It works no problem.
I've tried reverting the forumhome templates in Greenfox, but still have this problem.
Anyone got any ideas what it could be?
I've been changing a few things on the forumhome template, and now certain forums won't allow me, or anyone else to submit a new thread.
It's only in certain forums.
You can click 'new thread' and it takes you to the editor, and lest you type away, but when you try to submit the thread, it doesn't do anything.
I have bluefox fluid/ fixed style, AND Greenfox fluid/ Fixed style installed. ALL these styles are the same- they won't allow me to submit a thread in certain forums.
But if I try it on the default style- It works no problem.
I've tried reverting the forumhome templates in Greenfox, but still have this problem.
Anyone got any ideas what it could be?