NEED help browsing a server directory


I have a application thats uploads fiels and saves the link in a database.

if the link is to the wrong image I want to be able to browse the images folder(of my server) and choose the right image.

I know htaccess will let me view contents but im looking for more of a input form field.

Is this possible?

thanks in advancecheck out what I did here, that should get you started.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 41510.html</a><!-- m -->

Ericwhat you can do is create a installation cab with an application that does this for you so when you browse to that page, it will install the software required on your computer then open up a file dialog, select the image and then write to the database. So all you would need to do is create the application, which is easy as pie.
