need help bad


New Member
Hi, I'm not sure if I've asked here before, But I'm trying to make a date & time clock thats of a different year.

For example: real life date and time is

Saturday, March 29, 2003 1:09:00 AM

So the fake date and time would be something like this:

Tuesday, April 10, 3173 1 AM

But the fake clock would update only every 3min of real life time.

the last time I asked for this someone gave me a clock that worked, but everytime the page refreshed it would reset the clock.

I also wanted to put like a titles on each of the dates/times.

something like this

fake life:Tuesday, April 10, 3173 1 AM
real life: Saturday, March 29, 2003 1:09:00 AM

any help will be really apreaciated
