Need coding help!

I need some help at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
The mouseover at the top of the page doesn't seem to want to work properly. The scripts that make it work (preload graphic and onMouseOver) were pulled from <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->. />
<br />
The first graphic loads great, but when a mouseover occurs, the second graphic doesn't post.<br />
<br />
I tried looking at the graphics themselves on the site, and they look fine alone. The page works locally on the development machine, but not on the site.<br />
<br />
Could somebody PLEASE look at the source code and see if there's a problem? It's driving me nuts!<!--content-->hello joe! i've looked at your code and searched your site, and i'm not reciving a responce from the images addressed in the code. <br />
<br />
there are some number addressing i have re-aranged, and what is your server? (UNIX is case sensative, so check that your calls are justified)<br />
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the code:<br />
<br />
<TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width=775><br />
<TR align=right vAlign=top><A <br />
href="" <br />
onmouseout="document.Mouseover1.src=''" <br />
onmouseover="document.Mouseover1.src=''"><IMG <br />
border=0 name=Mouseover1 <br />
src="joepizza/WHO1.gif"></A> <br />
<A href="" <br />
onmouseout="document.Mouseover2.src=''" <br />
onmouseover="document.Mouseover2.src=''"><IMG <br />
border=0 name=Mouseover2 <br />
src="joepizza/CONTACT1.gif"></A> <br />
<A href="" <br />
onmouseout="document.Mouseover3.src=''" <br />
onmouseover="document.Mouseover3.src=''"><IMG <br />
border=0 name=Mouseover3 <br />
src="joepizza/SERVICE1.gif"></A> <br />
<A href="" <br />
onmouseout="document.Mouseover4.src=''" <br />
onmouseover="document.Mouseover4.src=''"><IMG <br />
border=0 name=Mouseover4 <br />
src="joepizza/PRODUCT1.gif"></A> <br />
<A href="" <br />
onmouseout="document.Mouseover5.src=''" <br />
onmouseover="document.Mouseover5.src=''"><IMG <br />
border=0 name=Mouseover5<br />
src="joepizza/SUPPORT1.gif"></A> <br />
<A href="" <br />
onmouseout="document.Mouseover6.src=''" <br />
onmouseover="document.Mouseover6.src=''"><IMG <br />
border=0 name=Mouseover6<br />
src="joepizza/SEARCH1.gif"></A> <br />
<table><br />
<br />
i'll be around all night, post some more if thats not the problem!<br />
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->It works! Thanks!<!--content-->