need coding help (newbie :P)


Hi,<br />
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I am new here and need help, please bear in mind I am a complete HTML newbie and I am only doing a website for my Badminton club because the current one looks like this...<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Anyway I was working nicely and had some good ideas for graphics and it all looks nice. I have a huge coding problem though! (please refer to the attached webpage) I need the links such as "news" and "results and fixtures" ect... to open on the right where it says "Description" currently. I am aware I could use frames but I really would prefer to do it with tables. So my question is one of help... can anyone figure this out for me I have spent a day and am getting no where, I don't know how it could be done are there tables commands that I can use? do I have to use Java? any suggestions and help would be very much appreciated.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Richard.<!--content-->welcome to the forums, your only choices are frames, normal or iframe. You could place an iframe in the table cell where the description is, otherwise you can use just tables and have the info there but the whole page would have to reload.<br />
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here's (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) a fairly straight forward tutorial :)<br />
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ask again if you ahve any trouble getting it to work :)<!--content-->thank you so much that is exactly what I wanted!<br />
here's the result.<br />
Regards,<br />
Richard.<!--content-->I have to go out now so I don't have time to look this up but if anyone could help...<br />
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What code do I have to use on the links on the right to make the pages open in the iframe?<br />
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Sorry for being lazy but I'm late for badminton practice heh<br />
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Regards,<br />
Richard.<!--content-->you're welcome :)<br />
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looks great, kicks the old page's ass!!<br />
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/edit<br />
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add a name to the iframe name="namehere"<br />
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and in the links add a target<br />
<br />
target="iframename"<br />
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