Need an advice about application's architecture


New Member
I am trying to build an application's architecture these days and I will be glad to hear some advice. Here are some details about the application itself. It has a web UI where customers could register and pay (with credit card) for some sort of services. They have to provide some info because these services are based on it. For example dates to schedule the service work. Of course they always can check the status of their order via the site.Also I have a database (classic relational database or NO-SQL database I am not sure what is better in my case) that located on other physical machine. So I have to take customers' info and store it into the db in order to make some work based on it. Besides there is a windows service or it's Linux analogue that makes the main job. It should create processes based on the information in database to do the job. In other word the services I mentioned in the beginning provided not by business logic of the web site but of the windows service. Of course during its work this service stores an information back to my database or update it in some way.Recently I have read the book about applications architecture from Microsoft and they introduce there many approaches to build an application. For example DDD or Client / Server or Components based architecture an so on. I am really confused what is the most suitable in my case. Could someone please advise me something. Thanks in advance.