need advice on web page development


Hello people. I have begun building a webpage and would like some advice. The page is located here:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
There are 3 areas to the page:<br />
<br />
Left (navigation)<br />
Main(Welcome to Hip Hop & animation)<br />
Right(Headlines and charts)<br />
<br />
The links dont work yet. I would like to have the Right & left areas show up identical on every page of my site. I would like to be able to edit these 2 areas without having to go into each and every html file. By "edit", I mean add or remove navigation links and change the news and music charts around. Can this be done without using Frames?<br />
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Also, a friend told me that the Left side could be put into a stylesheet. I am already using an external stylesheet, but am unsure how to add the Left side to it.<br />
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Can anyone help? Any info. would be appreciated. thanks!<br />
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--Musa<!--content-->If this is your first website it looks rather ok, i've seen much worse. What i respect the most is that u don't use all those ugly default MSIE colors which makes ur site look terribly n00bish<br />
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What conserns the design: some tips:<br />
- fix the banner, its a broken img<br />
- try to user a lighter tone of the green ur using for the hoverstyles of your links, might work out nice.<br />
- try another font like verdana or arial, unless you are looking for the effect you got now.<br />
- A little bit more work with photoshop won't hurt either<br />
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As for the possibility to update the menu on the left side.<br />
if your servers supports PHP you can include a file there (eg: and put all the code for the menu inthere.<br />
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That way it shows up on all pages but you will be able to only modify one page to change all the menu's on all pages.<br />
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Here is how it works:<br />
-rename all your pages to a *.php file (and update your links)<br />
- create a file called "" and put all the htmlcode for the menu in it<br />
- where you want the menu to appear put this: <? include ""; ?><br />
- done!<br />
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Hope that helps :)<br />
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greetings<!--content-->thanks for the information. I have been building web pages for a few years. This is an assignment for school so I am not too worried about the look and am aware of the dead link. I havent learned php yet, so I am not sure if I can do that...Does anyone know if this can be done using style sheets?<br />
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--Musa<!--content-->musa,<br />
i dont no a thing about CSS myself, but i would suggest getting a portal of content management system to help u out. has some great stuff, and best of all u dont need to no PHP to do most of the stuff.<!--content-->heres something u could look for. Not very useful though.<br />
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try and somehow get all your menu scripted in java. and then store it in an external .js file like menu.js and then in all you pages, just add the line...<br />
<br />
<br />
<script language="JavaScript" src="menu.js"></script><br />
<br />
<br />
Hope that helped. Z<!--content-->Cascaded Style Sheets - the name gives it away a bit. You can't control content with these.<br />
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Using the javascript solution is a good one, but the PHP is the better one.<br />
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As for using PHP - check out <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) for manual and Download <!--more-->s.<!--content-->thanks for help everyone. I got it to work using php.<!--content-->