Need a suggestion on a layout....


heres the current layout.....<br />
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and heres the issue: I am out of room!<br />
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I need to add the folloing catagories to this list:<br />
Java/ JSP<br />
Coldfusion<br />
SQL Server<br />
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as you can see the links under each catagory can be from 5 to 20. <br />
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I was throwing the idea around of using a handy DHTML menu system to help organize these guys into a visually appealing-but user friendly page. I am all for DHTML..... but I haven't found something that could organize this many links into a groovey page. <br />
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So far, been around and<br />
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What I need from all of you are some suggestions. Scripts, examples, screenshots.... whatever you want to give me. Right now it looks like there will be 12 different link catagories, and under each catagory there will be from 5 to about 20 links. <br />
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Also while I'd consider flash for this, I'd prefer not to go in that direction! <br />
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YOU tell me what to do, and I'll make it happen!<br />
Thanks!<!--content-->well if you went the Dhtml way, what else would be on the page but drop down menus? I think, but I have to check, that I might have a Dhtml script that would accomodate all your links.<br />
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or you could have the topics on one page and when it is clicked you go to another page that has all the links for that subject.<!--content-->I like the idea of drop down menus.<br />
May I make a suggestion? I do usability for a living, and based on studies, etc. it's been found that people find it very difficult to read reverse type, especially lots of it. In fact people won't read it, generally go elsewhere where the page is a little easier on the eyes.<br />
My 2 cents. You can shoot me or flame me if you want for the unsolicited response.<br />
Marilyn<!--content-->Scoutt, <br />
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I want the links all on one page.... but there are other alternatives to the drop down menu system. I have looked at the alternatives, like a tabbing system, with a dhtml scroller for a layer... each layer shows one set of links.<br />
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Marylin,<br />
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the reverse type: Since the page is not heavily promoted, and is basically a page that I alone reference out.... I choose the audience. It is meant to be reverse, and usually only my coworkers see it unless I give out the link here. <br />
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While I agree about large amounts of reverse type.... this isn't a mainstream page, nor is it intended for mass audiences.<!--content-->Well that sight got autobookmarked... I would like to suggest that you put this link on your graphics design list guru's network (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) I did just about every tutorial under photoshop, among others, and they are extremely good, and when you email one of the writers, they email you back, not to mention the forums there. I know you wanted layout, not links, but this is the only way I could help...<!--content-->hey, no problem! I'll take good links anyday! I mostly use this page to provide a info base for myself and co-workers. <br />
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Appreciate the help!<!--content-->