Need a suggestion on a </completed> layout....


ok, the old link layout...<br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
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and the new DHTML improved one...<br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
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Do you like the change? Want to suggest some new links? Hate black pages? Feedback is always welcome!<!--content-->Hi Doc,<br />
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The new design rates high on the cool factor but the old design rates high on the ease of use factor. I prefer the old page because all of the content is viewable at once. But the new page is still very good.<br />
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Kevin<!--content-->Originally posted by Dr. Web <br />
ok, the old link layout...<br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
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Hate black pages? Feedback is always welcome! <br />
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I like the new one better but I still hate black pages! white is better, all of my pages on the web are plain white. :D why does it have to be black?<!--content-->well I did try white in the beginning, but the volcano looked a lot more intruiging on black. Once I decided that, it was all reverse type on black. Its a design tactic to pull off for sure. <br />
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Kevin, <br />
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Yes I also would have preferred the "old" design, as I am also wanting to see all the links at once. The new design allowed me to add several sections (and a LOT more links) than before without looking cramped. <br />
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The design does work in N4, N6, and IE4+. There are some differences (like no fading for older browsers) but things should be displayed correctly. <br />
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The big picture was that I had to allow for more links to be added, as well as whole new sections. The old layout was pretty full as it was, and I wanted something that would only display sections at a time.<br />
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Thanks for your comments!<!--content-->Um .. Doc, have you checked it in 800x600? The links seem to disapear off the bottom of the page and you can't view them all. (or am I missing something...sorry).<!--content-->Originally posted by Ian <br />
Um .. Doc, have you checked it in 800x600? The links seem to disapear off the bottom of the page and you can't view them all. (or am I missing something...sorry). I had the same problem. Since no scrollbars showed up, I had to scroll down with my scrolling mouse.<!--content-->scroll bars are all that the monkey can see that needs to be added!<br />
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i like the layout and the color scheme (always been fond of black)<br />
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keep it up doc! cheers from the monkey!<br />
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->Originally posted by Ian <br />
Um .. Doc, have you checked it in 800x600? The links seem to disapear off the bottom of the page and you can't view them all. (or am I missing something...sorry). <br />
I was going to say the same thing. I thought it looked rather small since the other had a crap load of links.<br />
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but all in all I like the background and the dhtml effect, but why is it so low on the page? <br />
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job well do D. :)<!--content-->I like the new design, not packed with info. You have a lot of good resources but I got lost or over excited with everything you had avalible while looking at the old page.<br />
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Also you do need the scroll bars.<br />
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I'm not big on black pages but you did good with the rest of the colors. You don't have the bright yellows and greens that are normally associated with black pages that I really cannot stand.<br />
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What did you use to write the scroll in effect?<!--content-->Second one is definitely better, no questions asked. It is a little weird on the eyes because it's so low on the screen, but that's the only problem I have with it. It definitely works. And I've never subscribed to the whole "black background is bad" thing. They call it cliche -- maybe it's cliche to say it's cliche, you know? Who cares. As long as it works, and this does.<br />
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It would be nice when people would start using decent resolution on their monitors, but until that happens you probably should listen to the folks viewing it in 800.<!--content-->Sorry about the 'low' rider screen. It should be fixed for all users now. Thanks for your comments. <br />
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Anyone see some links that I am missing? Did I forget your favorite DHTML site? Was there a CSS link that just didn't cut it?<br />
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Thanks for all comments!<!--content-->I like the layout now.<br />
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The only thing I can think of is updating and Thomas is kinda at an odd point with his sites. He still claims that dhtmlcentral is in beta and has some links from it saying "this area is not updated yet please see" and when you get there it says that it is already moved to dhtmlcentral??<br />
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Also no link jumped right out at me for people to come to<!--content-->all most but not quite,, I am at 800x600<br />
what about PHP links, or perl for that matter <br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> they also have javascripts, ASP, perl and so on.<br />
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on the javascript section<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
they also have other scripts<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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and DHTML<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
has a little bit too<br />
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that is just some I had that you didn't so if you want to take them into consideration :)<!--content-->Thanks for the links scoutt! I'll be sure to add them later. As for PHP and Perl..... the sad, sad new is that since this page is dedicated to technology that I use exclusively... I wont be adding them. I work with all of the things listed, and I probably wont be working with either PHP or Perl ever. Its purely the sector I work in, nothing against perl or PHP. <br />
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I viewed the page in 800x600, and depending on how many toolbars you have, the full menu is available. <br />
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Still, I arranged for the scroll bars to be visible on lower resolutions. It was a style declaration I didn't see when I developed the page with the new DHTML menu.<!--content-->Originally posted by Dr. Web <br />
Thanks for the links scoutt! I'll be sure to add them later. As for PHP and Perl..... the sad, sad new is that since this page is dedicated to technology that I use exclusively... I wont be adding them. I work with all of the things listed, and I probably wont be working with either PHP or Perl ever. Its purely the sector I work in, nothing against perl or PHP. <br />
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I viewed the page in 800x600, and depending on how many toolbars you have, the full menu is available. <br />
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Still, I arranged for the scroll bars to be visible on lower resolutions. It was a style declaration I didn't see when I developed the page with the new DHTML menu. <br />
that is totally understandable. :D <br />
the site is a lot better, good job.<br />
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I'll still bookmark it.<!--content-->oh oh, I just went to it in NS and it gives me a javascript error and no menu. I didn't know if you knew this or not.<!--content-->Originally posted by Dr. Web <br />
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The big picture was that I had to allow for more links to be added, as well as whole new sections. The old layout was pretty full as it was, and I wanted something that would only display sections at a time.<br />
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I think there is lots of space left on the original page. Reduce the gutters and you can add lots more links. If you want to maintain the current size of the gutters and not add to the vertical length of the page then its full. <br />
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