Here is the problem, I run a site with tons of graphics and ZIP files and find people directly linking to the zip's and pulling images from folders on my site to use as backgrounds from theirs.<BR><BR>What I want to do is to make sure that the images and zip's can only be viewed and DL'd from my site.<BR><BR>For images, I was thinking the new .net image functions may work. I was wondering if there is a way to store the images in a non web viewable folder and have some code on my site load them and send them to the browser. If so does anyone know how to do this?<BR><BR>I thought about putting them (JPG's and ZIP's) in a SQL 2K DB but am thinking that would be a huge performance issue...anyone have feedback on this? I run a dual proc dedicated server with Win2K and SQL 2K but do get good traffic at about 10K people a day with TONS and TONS of images being loaded.<BR><BR>I can only assume with all of the tools in .Net that there must be a good way to make sure people can't directly link to items on my site. I am seen some anti-leech types of programs but would rather have a pure code solution if possible.<BR><BR>Thanks for any ideas.Yes you are correct in thinking that there is a way to get them from a non web viewable folder. The simplest way is to write an aspx page that writes out the image to the client. There is a new method of the response object named WriteFile. So you can set Response.Contenttype to your image type (eg: image/jpeg), then use WriteFile to write the image to the client. The exact file you write would be dependant on what data you get from the querystring. So you would use it like this:<BR><BR><img src="displayImage.aspx?file=home.gif"> <BR><BR>But of course someone could directly link to that as well. To make sure that someone can't link to it, you could do a few things: Check the refering url to make sure they are loading it from your site(I _think_ thats in request.servervariables("http_referer")) or put something that changes in the img src:<BR><BR><img src="displayImage.aspx?file=home.gif&key=ABCDEFGHIJKLM12345"><BR><BR>The page would make sure that the key variable was correct.<BR>The key could change on the server every so often, and can be anything as long as the page can load or figure it out somehow. When you want to make your links/img tags to the file, just print out the key as a part of the url (like above). If the key is wrong, you can write out an image that says "access denied" or something more nasty.<BR><BR>Thats the simple way, you could make a HttpHandler for it so all of this is transparent, but thats a little more difficult <BR><BR>Some good ideas for sure, will have to start investigating them.<BR><BR>I just can't believe this is not a feature of IIS at this point, would be great to have something like AngelFire and other free hosting places have that would force my logo on anyone ripping my images off.