navtext (alttxt.js) problem please help


hello i'm having a problem with my navtext showing up under my hover buttons is there any way to fix this so it will show over the button? here is the site (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) thanks in advance<!--content-->I don't see any text come up?<!--content-->maybe you didn't leave the mouse there long enough...for some reason it takes a few for it to show....but anyhow i got a screen shot of what i'm talking about will attach that<!--content-->I see it work on you but it doesn't work on IE5.0<br />
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the only suggestion I can think of os to make your buttons have a z-index below the popup text. just put it in the style of each button and play around with it.<!--content-->not sure how to go about doing is the code i have so far<br />
<br />
<td><h2 align="center"><br />
<applet code="fphover.class" codebase="_fpclass/" width="125" height="24"<br />
onmouseover="writetxt('Want to join us and become <br>a character? Please go here')"<br />
onmouseout="writetxt(0)"><br />
<param name="text" value="Join"><br />
<param name="color" value="#000080"><br />
<param name="hovercolor" value="#0000FF"><br />
<param name="textcolor" value="#FFFFFF"><br />
<param name="effect" value="glow"><br />
<param name="url" value="join.html" valuetype="ref"><br />
</applet><br />
</h2><br />
</td><br />
i'm using frontpage 98 as i'm sure you can tell by the "fphover.class" lol<br />
can you maybe rewrite this one for me and then i'll follow the example for the rest of them?...thanks<!--content-->I can't do anything for the class. you would have to find something else to use of make it in flash.<br />
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funny how frontpage won't even make code for it own products to use :P<!--content-->You have to open the alttxt.js file and schanges this part:<br />
xoff=(center)? mx-boxwidth/2 : mx+150;<br />
yoff=(my+boxheight+30-getpagescrolly()+margin>=w_y)? -15-boxheight: 30;<br />
<br />
So 50 -> 150<br />
<br />
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:rocker:<!--content-->cool that worked...ok another question about that if you dont mind...the mx+n moves the box left and right (the x axis) what part of that moves it up and down?? would that be the -15 in the yoff=(my+boxheight+30-getpagescrolly()+margin>=w_y)? -15-boxheight: 30; or am i not looking at it right?<!--content-->Originally posted by huwey <br />
what part of that moves it up and down?? <br />
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I don't know<br />
I tried..... no changes......<br />
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BTW... FP menu looks cool, but it is not.....<br />
Download <!--more--> is to long.<br />
On your own comp it is quick, but not on a website.<br />
One day you will skip this FP menu after visitors complain.<br />
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Sometimes my browser "hangs" on a site with a FPmenu.<br />
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