The code below works in Explorer 6 and Navigator 4.7 but will not work correctly in Navigator 7.
When the function is envoked in N7 it does not focus or select what the user has entered into the input field when an incorrect email format has been entered as it should. Is this a bug with N7 or is there a solution to this problem. Any help gratefully appreciated.
function checkMail() {
mailVal = document.checkout.E_Mail.value;
mailRE = /^[\w\-\.]+@([a-z0-9]+\.){1,3}[a-z]{2,6}$/i;
if (!mailRE.test(mailVal)) {
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="E_Mail" TABINDEX="22" SIZE="25" onChange="checkMail();">
When the function is envoked in N7 it does not focus or select what the user has entered into the input field when an incorrect email format has been entered as it should. Is this a bug with N7 or is there a solution to this problem. Any help gratefully appreciated.
function checkMail() {
mailVal = document.checkout.E_Mail.value;
mailRE = /^[\w\-\.]+@([a-z0-9]+\.){1,3}[a-z]{2,6}$/i;
if (!mailRE.test(mailVal)) {
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="E_Mail" TABINDEX="22" SIZE="25" onChange="checkMail();">