I've had my sites for many years but have never gotten into reciprocal links yet. I have some excellent ranking (key phrases, not PR) without it but I'd like to "take it to the next level" so to speak. In my reading, I've seen it suggested that a link to your "links page" be created within your navigation structure, however I rarely see this on any other sites. Are there definite advantages to doing this and if so, what are they? If there are advantages, why isn't everyone doing it?
As always, thank you in advance from the dark and precarious depths of my heart. one way links are more valuable than reciprocal links nowadays Quote: Originally Posted by Muddy I've had my sites for many years but have never gotten into reciprocal links yet. I have some excellent ranking (key phrases, not PR) without it but I'd like to "take it to the next level" so to speak. In my reading, I've seen it suggested that a link to your "links page" be created within your navigation structure, however I rarely see this on any other sites. Are there definite advantages to doing this and if so, what are they? If there are advantages, why isn't everyone doing it?
As always, thank you in advance from the dark and precarious depths of my heart. The advantage actually goes to your link partners.. But the idea itself is a good way to attract link partners knowing the fact that your "links page" is directly linked from your home page (which, otherwise, means it's getting a good percentage of link juice - if not issued with rel="nofollow" attribute).
Interestingly, as per observation, I always find links to "links page" (resource, link partners and etc. - other terms) at the footer navigation and are always followed. Usually at the bottom right. I don't know exactly if it has something to do with the way how bots crawl a page which is from top left to bottom right. Having said that, making the links page the least priority to crawl. No - forget link pages and reciprocal links. Whatever you read, it is five years out of date.
Build one way backlinks to you all of your sites pages. Quote: Originally Posted by regmac The advantage actually goes to your link partners.. But the idea itself is a good way to attract link partners knowing the fact that your "links page" is directly linked from your home page (which, otherwise, means it's getting a good percentage of link juice - if not issued with rel="nofollow" attribute).
Interestingly, as per observation, I always find links to "links page" (resource, link partners and etc. - other terms) at the footer navigation and are always followed. Usually at the bottom right. I don't know exactly if it has something to do with the way how bots crawl a page which is from top left to bottom right. Having said that, making the links page the least priority to crawl. Thanks for the input regmac, much appreciated. Quote: Originally Posted by tameem one way links are more valuable than reciprocal links nowadays Quote: Originally Posted by thefandango No - forget link pages and reciprocal links. Whatever you read, it is five years out of date.
Build one way backlinks to you all of your sites pages. What's the best way to acquire these one way links? Just build your site and hope others link to it? Doesn't seem very proactive, but perhaps I'm wrong? There is nothing wrong with reciprocal links, but they should NEVER be your primary source of incoming links. Additionally, the purpose of the links that you choose to display on your site should always be for the purpose of providing a relevant quality resource for your visitors. When doing so in this manner, quite often you are also a quality resource for the other site, resulting in a reciprocal link. The problem occurs when reciprocal links get out of hand and they are not natural related resources for your visitors.
As an example, if you sell candy making supplies, why on earth (if you don't have your own resource) wouldn't you provide your visitors with a link to candy recipe sites? If you have a vacation rental house on the coast, why on earth wouldn't you link to things to do in the area? THIS IS A GOOD THING!
When you do reciprocal links (resources) in this manner (keeping in mind they are only a small percentage of your incoming links) they will never hurt you and will help you.
Additional ways to increase incoming links:
#1 Create and actively maintain a blog of relevant topics. People find topics of interest and link to them. Your blog will of course provide a link back to your website, increasing traffic and links.
#2 Create a newsletter that provides quality information that your target audience would have interest in. Post past newsletters online, either on a blog or on a special place for your site. People find topics of interest and link to them. If it is a good newsletter they will point others to it.
#3 Write articles of special interest to your target audience for your website and your blog. People find topics of interest and link to them.
#4 Offer to write guest articles for other sites and blogs, with the agreement that you can add an author bio with links back to your website.
#5 Join online forums that cover topics that interests your target audience. Add your link to your profile page and signature, checking their specific rules for how and when this is allowed.
#6 Actively comment and participate in popular blogs that your target audience may have interest in. Many forums allow your user name to be linked to your website.
#7 Provide a
As always, thank you in advance from the dark and precarious depths of my heart. one way links are more valuable than reciprocal links nowadays Quote: Originally Posted by Muddy I've had my sites for many years but have never gotten into reciprocal links yet. I have some excellent ranking (key phrases, not PR) without it but I'd like to "take it to the next level" so to speak. In my reading, I've seen it suggested that a link to your "links page" be created within your navigation structure, however I rarely see this on any other sites. Are there definite advantages to doing this and if so, what are they? If there are advantages, why isn't everyone doing it?
As always, thank you in advance from the dark and precarious depths of my heart. The advantage actually goes to your link partners.. But the idea itself is a good way to attract link partners knowing the fact that your "links page" is directly linked from your home page (which, otherwise, means it's getting a good percentage of link juice - if not issued with rel="nofollow" attribute).
Interestingly, as per observation, I always find links to "links page" (resource, link partners and etc. - other terms) at the footer navigation and are always followed. Usually at the bottom right. I don't know exactly if it has something to do with the way how bots crawl a page which is from top left to bottom right. Having said that, making the links page the least priority to crawl. No - forget link pages and reciprocal links. Whatever you read, it is five years out of date.
Build one way backlinks to you all of your sites pages. Quote: Originally Posted by regmac The advantage actually goes to your link partners.. But the idea itself is a good way to attract link partners knowing the fact that your "links page" is directly linked from your home page (which, otherwise, means it's getting a good percentage of link juice - if not issued with rel="nofollow" attribute).
Interestingly, as per observation, I always find links to "links page" (resource, link partners and etc. - other terms) at the footer navigation and are always followed. Usually at the bottom right. I don't know exactly if it has something to do with the way how bots crawl a page which is from top left to bottom right. Having said that, making the links page the least priority to crawl. Thanks for the input regmac, much appreciated. Quote: Originally Posted by tameem one way links are more valuable than reciprocal links nowadays Quote: Originally Posted by thefandango No - forget link pages and reciprocal links. Whatever you read, it is five years out of date.
Build one way backlinks to you all of your sites pages. What's the best way to acquire these one way links? Just build your site and hope others link to it? Doesn't seem very proactive, but perhaps I'm wrong? There is nothing wrong with reciprocal links, but they should NEVER be your primary source of incoming links. Additionally, the purpose of the links that you choose to display on your site should always be for the purpose of providing a relevant quality resource for your visitors. When doing so in this manner, quite often you are also a quality resource for the other site, resulting in a reciprocal link. The problem occurs when reciprocal links get out of hand and they are not natural related resources for your visitors.
As an example, if you sell candy making supplies, why on earth (if you don't have your own resource) wouldn't you provide your visitors with a link to candy recipe sites? If you have a vacation rental house on the coast, why on earth wouldn't you link to things to do in the area? THIS IS A GOOD THING!
When you do reciprocal links (resources) in this manner (keeping in mind they are only a small percentage of your incoming links) they will never hurt you and will help you.
Additional ways to increase incoming links:
#1 Create and actively maintain a blog of relevant topics. People find topics of interest and link to them. Your blog will of course provide a link back to your website, increasing traffic and links.
#2 Create a newsletter that provides quality information that your target audience would have interest in. Post past newsletters online, either on a blog or on a special place for your site. People find topics of interest and link to them. If it is a good newsletter they will point others to it.
#3 Write articles of special interest to your target audience for your website and your blog. People find topics of interest and link to them.
#4 Offer to write guest articles for other sites and blogs, with the agreement that you can add an author bio with links back to your website.
#5 Join online forums that cover topics that interests your target audience. Add your link to your profile page and signature, checking their specific rules for how and when this is allowed.
#6 Actively comment and participate in popular blogs that your target audience may have interest in. Many forums allow your user name to be linked to your website.
#7 Provide a