navigation menu files - help please!


don't start throwing veggies - but i design sites in frontpage. i have a few that are web'd so i use the shared borders stuff. i absolutely hate them!<br />
i heard a while back from someone that I could do a navigation file & then embed it or something into the code so it was similar to shared borders but better. i can't find proof of this in any of my emails or in the forums (& of course don't remember where i heard it).<br />
anyone know how i can do this?<br />
help! thanks.<!--content-->being that I don't desing in FP, can you explain what a shared border is?<!--content-->Shared Borders - it allows you to make a change to one file (ie: the navigation menu or the updated date at the bottom of a page) and it will update all the pages that use that shared border. The problem with that is if you have a large website it actually has to change every page & then you upload ever page (because FP embeds the info into the page). So, if you don't upload the FP-updated page, it will still be using the old shared border on the live site.<br />
I'm hoping that if a page only refers to another page for the navigation menu that when I update the nav page it doesn't actually need me to "edit" every page for the change to take effect to the whole site.<br />
Is this not possible?<!--content-->You could save the navigation menu in a separate file, and then add it to each page by frames or an iframe. Then you'd only need to update the file with the navigation, and it's updated on every page.<br />
If you have access to SSI, I'd recommend you to use it instead of frames.<!--content-->Okay - so frames is what I DON'T want - what is iframes?<br />
I'm not sure if I have access to SSI but I guess I should go learn more about that.<br />
can you show me a link or sample pgs for something like. i guess i can go look for a tutorial for that type of thing! ;)<br />
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okay - i just found this link: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
and it sez to use SSI i have to rename all the files to use the extension .shtml instead of html. pls tell me there is another option than SSI - i don't want to have to do this!<!--content-->An iframe is a frame that may be situated anywhere on a normal HTML page. Here's an example:<br />
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<iframe src="menus.html" name="menus" scrolling="auto" width="150" height="300" border="0" framespacing="0" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></iframe><br />
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Remember the closing </iframe> tag.<br />
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You should ask your host if they support SSI, if you want to use it. There are lots of hosts which don't support any serverside languages at all.<!--content-->Originally posted by shellyblake <br />
Shared Borders - it allows you to make a change to one file (ie: the navigation menu or the updated date at the bottom of a page) and it will update all the pages that use that shared border. The problem with that is if you have a large website it actually has to change every page & then you upload ever page (because FP embeds the info into the page). So, if you don't upload the FP-updated page, it will still be using the old shared border on the live site.<br />
I'm hoping that if a page only refers to another page for the navigation menu that when I update the nav page it doesn't actually need me to "edit" every page for the change to take effect to the whole site.<br />
Is this not possible? <br />
I have never heard of it being called shared borders. what you are saying are includes. but it shouldn't matter how big the site is, if the include is in tha tpage then it will be included.<br />
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you could also use the javaacript method.<br />
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<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="file.html"></script><br />
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but that even has limitations. your best bet is SSI. or code them by hand.<!--content-->shared borders - it's a frontpage function so that's prolly why you haven't heard of them.<!--content-->ahh figures, just another term that is proprietary to FP. I would ditch it and use something that makes more sense. :P<!--content-->Get a program that templates html files?<br />
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Or is that what shared border is?<br />
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( I just use manual templating :) )<!--content-->Shared border isn't the same as include. It is more like a search and replace across multiple files. You tell FrontPage that whenever you make a change to one particular part of a file, then change that same part in every file that has that part.<!--content-->Okay - so getting back to my original question - is SSI my only option for making a file use another for the navigation menu (besides frames that is)? Or in otherwords, is my only option for this mean I would have to rename all my files to have the extension .shtml? What a drag!<br />
(btw, i still haven't checked out the iframe thingie)<!--content-->your best best is to use either:<br />
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an iframe, which is just a frame that appears inline (real simple and a nice approach - it's literally just poking a hole in a page where you can see another seperate page through)<br />
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server side includes, which is similar to an iframe conceptually, except that it doesn't have to be a page, or even content, per se, at all, just some code that literally gets injected into each page the include request is in. your host has to be able to support using this.<br />
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or Flash, which can be an interactive menu and one file can be easily embedded into any number of pages (i do that and also includes, personally). not everyone has Flash installed though - but the vast majority do.<br />
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with all of those methods, making changes to one single file can change the menu on every page you put it on at the same time. you insert the necessary code into the pages you want to have the menu or whatever on, then update all those pages. from then on, all you have to do is change one single file and it changes the menu or other content of all pages it's called in.<br />
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the absolute best way is using server side includes, because it is NOT dependant upon the user's machine, browser, or plugins. but again, these must be enabled thru your host. (if your host supports PHP, ASP, ColdFusion, etc., then you're also in luck, because those are server-side scripting languages and can also do includes.)<!--content-->I like the idea of SSI (& if my server can't handle it, I can make him do it - it's my husband!), however, is it a must that all the extensions be .shtml? Is there a way to do SSI w/out having to use .shtml?<!--content-->yes you can. just have the server parse html/htm files as SSI. but that way is not recommended<!--content-->w/out trying to open a can of worms...why is that way not recommend? browser issues? or something that requires a much longer explanation?<!--content-->becasue if you do it that way then all your html fuiles will be parsed as SSI and if the file doesn't have any SSI in it then the server resources become very high. but if tha tis not a probelm then by all means have at it, you can always chage it back.<!--content-->