navigation bars

Hi<br />
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I currently have an intranet site at work which I am trying to develop a top and side navigation bar.<br />
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The html/css for creating the nav bars isn't the problem but how can I structure my pages so I can call the same nav bars into the pages without using frames, i.e. incase I change the nav bar, I change it in one doc and it changes the nav bars in all the other docs...<br />
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Thanks in advance...<br />
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ajn<!--content-->Are you able to use PHP or SSI on the intranet?<!--content-->I don't know...<br />
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I am using which I am new to, so I have the .net framework installed.<br />
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ajn<!--content-->Well, I'm sure it can be done with that, but I don't know any ASP. Head over to the ASP forum and ask...<!--content-->cheers pyro...<br />
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ajn<!--content-->If I can catch you... I just did a quick search. It looks like you do includes the same way as with SSI.<br />
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<!-- #include file ="yourfile.htm" --><!--content-->