I am currently making a website for someone, it may not look good now but I am improving upon it slowly, but there is a problem with the navigation, it wont alig right, it aligns in IE but not in firefox, but when I set the left margin to -40px is works fine in firefox, yet doesnt in ie, the url is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.fscrew.org/bteck/">http://www.fscrew.org/bteck/</a><!-- m -->, thanks in advance for the helpAdd to #nav ul padding: 0;
btw the div wrapper around ul is not necessary; give the ul the id. Then lose the <br />'s and give the ul a bottom-margin.
You are serving this up as text/html, so why the xhtml strict. You might as well use html 4.01 strict.thanks m8
Edit: im serving this up as xhtml because im not done the page yet lol, so there is still much to doalso one more thing, i can seem to set the active navigation bg properly, how would I go about this, note, my method is at the bottom of the css fileIt does appear to work correctly, i.e. between mousedown and mouseup.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/selector.html#dynamic-pseudo-classesalright">http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/selector. ... sesalright</a><!-- m --> well I ran into another problem (lol), I need to basically put the navigation and the content side by side, if you look at the website now you will probably notice how there it whitespace to the right, but when I float them both left the container bg wont show up :Ssorry to be pushy but I have a dead line on this website and I want to get it done, note im not a total CSS newbie, but Im just new to this sort of concept I guess...Had to change a few things, but looks ok.alright thanks so much m8, much apretiation for this
btw the div wrapper around ul is not necessary; give the ul the id. Then lose the <br />'s and give the ul a bottom-margin.
You are serving this up as text/html, so why the xhtml strict. You might as well use html 4.01 strict.thanks m8
Edit: im serving this up as xhtml because im not done the page yet lol, so there is still much to doalso one more thing, i can seem to set the active navigation bg properly, how would I go about this, note, my method is at the bottom of the css fileIt does appear to work correctly, i.e. between mousedown and mouseup.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/selector.html#dynamic-pseudo-classesalright">http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/selector. ... sesalright</a><!-- m --> well I ran into another problem (lol), I need to basically put the navigation and the content side by side, if you look at the website now you will probably notice how there it whitespace to the right, but when I float them both left the container bg wont show up :Ssorry to be pushy but I have a dead line on this website and I want to get it done, note im not a total CSS newbie, but Im just new to this sort of concept I guess...Had to change a few things, but looks ok.alright thanks so much m8, much apretiation for this