I have an internet page with 3 frames:<BR>Banner<BR>Contents<BR>Main<BR><BR>In my main frame I have a Username Password to login (SP on SQL Server). After succesful log in I want to return to another page in the main frame, BUT I also want to refresh the Contents frame.<BR><BR>To redirect an user to another page I use<BR><BR>response.redirect ("SomeSite")<BR><BR>This works perfectly but I want also to 'refresh' the contents frame.<BR><BR>Another question I have is how to set a target frame when redirecting to another page.<BR><BR>Thx!<BR><BR>HenriIn an old ASP Page I use this Java script<BR><BR><script type="text/javascript"><BR> parent.TargetFrame.location.href=http://aspmessageboard.com/archive/index.php/"some URL"<BR></script><BR><BR>This works with ASP, I will try this tomorrow.... But anyone suggestions??The code mentioned before works perfect. I am happy <BR><BR>Henri<BR>www.4xs.nl<BR>