Naming Conventions


New Member
Has anybody come across any documentation on naming conventions in ASP.NET (most importantly), VB, VB script and SQL Server?Naming of what? We use hungarian notation wherever possible.ugh, i hate using hungarian notation in .net. In .Net type info is stored in meta data, you can easily cast from one type to another, even the most simplest types derive from System.Object, etc. I could probably argue the good and bad points of hungarian for weeks, maybe years but it's all been said before and it comes down to personal/team preference. When I use VB I usually use hungarian notation though because it is the accepted practice in the VB dev community. Same thing with ASP.<BR><BR><BR>If you have the .Net documentation installed they have some guidelines for naming types:<BR><BR>ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/cpgenref/html/cpconnamingguidelines.htm<BR><BR><BR>or on MSDN:<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>