Naming conventions - Working with PHP and MySQL


New Member
Aloha,I just recently started programming in PHP and have a basic naming convention question. I've read a lot of PHP coding standards after reading this post. It made perfect sense to me, since I already prefer to use camelCase when naming variables. Since I'm going to be working with MySQL, I also read up on Database naming conventions. There's a lot varying preferences, but it seems like as long as you're consistent, it's ok. One thing I seemed to notice, however, is that most Database naming conventions say to start attributes with an Upper case letter, whereas in PHP (as well as most programming), variables should start with lower case letters. I'm going to be using the MVC model with DAOs and VOs. I really want my VOs to reflect my database tables, but the casing of the first letter is conflicting. Should I leave the casing mis-matched, or change one so they're both the same? How do you guys do it?Thanks in advance,Frank