n00b needs help


Hi<br />
i am a complete n00b at web design. I am wondering if anyone here could add me to MSN messenger so i can chat with them and hopefully learn summin. my address is <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --><br />
if you aint got MSN messenger then just drop me an e mail.<br />
thanx<!--content-->what are you having problems with? i'm not an expert i'm learning too :) so could help each other<!--content-->Ask it here... Don't be ashamed at being a newbie! Everyone starts there! ;)<!--content-->I have no real problems. i just wanted to talk to people about the basics and everything. The software i have is studio mx and photo shop 7. Neither of which i am very good at using!!!<br />
So if any of you are able to help with anything then let me know<!--content-->A good place to start is <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.w3schools.com">www.w3schools.com</a><!-- w --><br />
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As for software... I use Macromedia's HomeSite 5 just 'cause it enbles me to work via FTP and has color coded code... easier to see mistakes and such.<br />
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Adobe Photoshop is an excellent tool. There a many, MANY tutorials on-line for that. A good forum for that is <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.tutorialforums.com">www.tutorialforums.com</a><!-- w -->. />
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HTH and Have fun.<!--content-->