MySQL's Concat and PHP not big friends?


New Member
Hi all,

I've got a strange problem with MYSQL's concat() function when I use it in a page.

When I'm using the MySQL prompt in telnet I can enter the following query:

select * from categories where 'Golf - Bite Footwear - Baseball Hats and Beanies'=concat(category," - ",subcategory1," - ",subcategory2)

and it work's; I get to see the category which I need.

However, when I want to use it in PHP and do this:

$sql = "select * from categories where 'Golf - Bite Footwear - Baseball Hats and Beanies'=concat(category," - ",subcategory1," - ",subcategory2)";
$result = mysql_query($sql);

I get 0 results.

What am I overlooking?