what is wrong with this script?????
$db = mysql_connect("newmicronpc", "root");
$result = mysql_query(" insert into users
(user_name, email, real_name)
values ('carlos', <!-- e --><a href="mailto:'[email protected]">'[email protected]</a><!-- e -->', 'carlos aguilar')");
$handle = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_name = 'carlos'");
$myrow = mysql_fetch_row("$handle");
my system is tell me I dont have a vallid handle. and when I try to print out the value of $handle it gives me no value. The database exists the table exists.
$db = mysql_connect("newmicronpc", "root");
$result = mysql_query(" insert into users
(user_name, email, real_name)
values ('carlos', <!-- e --><a href="mailto:'[email protected]">'[email protected]</a><!-- e -->', 'carlos aguilar')");
$handle = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_name = 'carlos'");
$myrow = mysql_fetch_row("$handle");
my system is tell me I dont have a vallid handle. and when I try to print out the value of $handle it gives me no value. The database exists the table exists.