Using the MySQL CLI command to export a row from a table, eg:-\[code\]mysql -h mysql --user=root --password=root --database dms_home --xml -e "SELECT * FROM users WHERE account=4149;" >/var/www/scripts/output/1187515/1187515_users.sql\[/code\]This outputs the file:-\[code\]<resultset statement="SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE accnum=1187515" xmlns:xsi=""> <row> <field name="id">4149</field> <field name="accnum">1187515</field> <field name="applicationdate">0000-00-00</field> <field name="introducer"></field> <field name="jointacc">0</field> <field name="consultancy">0</field> <field name="storage">0</field> <field name="digitalonly">0</field> <field name="membership" xsi:nil="true" /> <field name="promocode"></field> <field name="holdername" xsi:nil="true" /> <field name="testaccount">0</field> </row></resultset>\[/code\]Now as you can see there are 2 nulls within XML row "membership" and "holdername", if I then go to another MySQL server/database and re-import this file, wiht the show warnings switch I get this back:-\[code\]mysql -h mysql -u root -p dms_licence --show-warnings -e "load xml local infile '/var/www/scripts/output/1187515/1187515_account.sql' into table dms_licence.accounts";Warning (Code 1263): Column set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column 'id' at row 1Warning (Code 1263): Column set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column 'accnum' at row 1Warning (Code 1263): Column set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column 'applicationdate' at row 1Warning (Code 1263): Column set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column 'introducer' at row 1Warning (Code 1263): Column set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column 'jointacc' at row 1Warning (Code 1263): Column set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column 'consultancy' at row 1Warning (Code 1263): Column set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column 'storage' at row 1Warning (Code 1263): Column set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column 'digitalonly' at row 1Warning (Code 1263): Column set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column 'promocode' at row 1Warning (Code 1263): Column set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column 'testaccount' at row 1\[/code\]The table schemas are identical and the inserting data does not cause any issues with primary or unique keys. So why does it only insert a blank record ?