$usrnme = "auntiedoris";
$pwdt = "unclebob";
$db = "shopsys";
$custID = "jon";
$mysql_access = mysql_connect("localhost", $usrnme, $pwdt) or die("Error connecting to mySQL");
mysql_select_db($db,$mysql_access) or die("Error selecting database");
$result = mysql_db_query($db,"SELECT ItemID,ItemDesc,ItemPrice,InStock FROM
goodsitems WHERE goodsitems.ItemID = $custID.ItemOrdID");
echo mysql_error();
This code gives me the error ::: Unknown table 'jon' in where clause. But there is a table called jon cos' another file created it. mySQL GUI client gives me this error as well. Can anyoine help???
$pwdt = "unclebob";
$db = "shopsys";
$custID = "jon";
$mysql_access = mysql_connect("localhost", $usrnme, $pwdt) or die("Error connecting to mySQL");
mysql_select_db($db,$mysql_access) or die("Error selecting database");
$result = mysql_db_query($db,"SELECT ItemID,ItemDesc,ItemPrice,InStock FROM
goodsitems WHERE goodsitems.ItemID = $custID.ItemOrdID");
echo mysql_error();
This code gives me the error ::: Unknown table 'jon' in where clause. But there is a table called jon cos' another file created it. mySQL GUI client gives me this error as well. Can anyoine help???