mySQL table relations or just use one table?! Need Help php mysql


New Member
I'm trying to create a drop down select option using PHP, MySQL, and ajadx I have the PHP and ajax pretty much figured out but I'm stumped on how I should organize my tables I couldn't decide so I created it both ways:The first way the tables are:
  • CourseTbl containing (CourseID*, and CourseName)
  • DateTbl, (DateID*, and DatesOffered(entered as a varchar unsure of how to do date to show two day span)
  • LocationTbl (LocationID*, LocationName)
I figured I could try and connect the ID's for each but realized there is no way to connect them since their are some that repeat dates and some that are offered the same daye. I also have the a table which just lists all of these together. TableSelect (ID*, CourseName, DatesOffered, LocationName*)If I wanted to make it as a drop down select would I have to create a subID that would be and INNER Join? Use an XML with PHP? I just keep asking myself how can I input the information and query it properly?How is the best way to attack this? any help would be great and thanks for your time!