MySQL System Requirements


Staff member
Does anyone know of the requirements of having a server setup to run MySQL specificly? I've looked all through and came up with nothing (including manaul), maybe I'm missing something here. The reason I ask is that I have a machine setup to run MySQL and nothing more and it seems to take a lot of power when quieries are sent to it. I'll sent one query that wowuld take the CPU usage up to 30% to 45%. I did a test, sending a group of three queries (excuted one after another) and another group of three queries all running at the same time and it seem to use up to 70%+ CPU usage. This worries me since my web site is heavly database drive. Any ideas, thoughts or comments?

The system that runs MySQL is a 200Mhz, 128MBs of RAM, with two 30 Gig hard drives (mirrored using hardware) running on OpenBSD v2.8. All that is running on the system is MySQL daemon, crontabs and sendmail (rarely used). Everything else is disable or not even installed on the system.