I need help with a mysql query for php...I have a table called 'table' with the following structure:\[code\]ID EMAIL GLOBAL_ID VENDOR_ID REVENUE USER1 [email protected] 123 7822 5 Bill2 [email protected] 123 90786 5 Paul3 [email protected] 123 17622 5 Mary4 [email protected] 124 1908 2 Eric5 [email protected] 125 189782 6 Jon6 [email protected] 125 11123 6 Paul7 [email protected] 126 11862 5 Dick8 [email protected] 126 271 5 Sue9 [email protected] 126 289871 5 George10 [email protected] 126 2211 5 Jack11 [email protected] 127 17771 10 Mary12 [email protected] 128 20891 5 Bill13 [email protected] 128 298981 5 Gary\[/code\]I need a query to pull records where EMAIL and GLOBAL_ID together are unique (ie never include the same EMAIL/GLOBAL_ID combination twice) AND don't include if there are 3 or greater records that have the same EMAIL and GLOBAL_ID combination, AND i don't want to pull any records where USER = Jon. So, from the data above and using php to echo, the following results should be displayed:\[code\]EMAIL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 128\[/code\]*note i only need to echo out EMAIL and GLOBAL_IDAny help with a query to echo this out in php to accomplish this would be much appreciated!