mysql query help?


New Member
\[code\]( SELECT u.username, u.picture,, m.user_note, m.reply_id, m.reply_name, m.dt FROM relationships r JOIN notes m ON m.user_id = r.leader JOIN user u ON r.leader = u.user_id WHERE r.listener ='2')UNION ALL( SELECT u.username, u.picture,, m.user_note, m.reply_id, m.reply_name, m.dt FROM notes m JOIN user u ON m.user_id = u.user_id WHERE u.user_id ='2')WHERE dt > '2010-09-20_131830'ORDER BY dt DESC\[/code\]what this deos is it queries the user(loggedin), people they follow and retrives thier messages. tables are shown below,!what i want to add to this query, is also the user(loggedin) updates aswell. but obviously the user deosnt follow himself. whats the best way i can do this!!user_table\[code\] user_id | username ------------------- 1 | solomon 2 | muna\[/code\]message table\[code\]id user_id| message--------------------------------------- 1 1 | this is my first message 2 1 | this is my second message 3 2 | this is muna message \[/code\]relationship table\[code\]leader | follower------------------ 1 | 2\[/code\]