MySQL Query Error! WHY!


Staff member
Please help me I am going crazy here. Tell me why this statement does not work PLEASE! :)

$Insert = $Vars->query("INSERT INTO $Vars->FeatureTable (ID, Title, Type, Section, Poster, PosterEmail, Time, Body, Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4, Field5, Field6, Field7, Field8, Field9, Field10, Field11, Field12, Field13, Field14, Field15, Field16, Field17, field18, field19, field20, field21, field22, field23, field24, field25, field26, field27, Activated) VALUES ('0', $GameName, 'Review', '0', $PostName, $PostName, ".time().", $ReviewBody, $Introduction, $Genre, $Publisher, $Developer, $ESRB, $Pros, $Cons, $BottomLine, $Origin, $NetSupport, $Accelerated, $ReleaseDate, $EstimatedPrice, $MaxPlayers, $Sound, $Graphics, $Gameplay, $Overall, $MinSys, $RecSys, $RevSys, $SiteName1, $SiteURL1, $SiteName2, $SiteURL2, '0', '0', '0')");

This is the error I get:
MySQL error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'into, Action, pub, dev, esrb, good, bad, bottom, us, 1, 0, 00/00/00, 20cash, 4, ' at line 1
MySQL error number: 1064

I have no clue why this won't work but it is very upsetting :(.