W3C [Linkcheck]
New Member
Heres my issue.I have a db for a radio station that I've cobbled together.Currently, I'm using a php script to query the mysql db and insert rows via a post, another one returns the last played song, and the other one shows the last 10 songs.I've got 48k rows with ID Artist Title Date and Time from the last 3 months.What I'm trying to do, unsuccessfully so far, is to create a script to query the DB count the rows with each title and then return one of the rows that contains the title that appears most desc to least.I want to return 40 rows of most played songs.I have no issues returning the last played song, but I am lost on where to start with the query. To complicate things, I have a break row being entered at every commercial break, so thats causing the top played song to be break. lol.Finally, how can I cache this data to be updated every hour, so that everytime the page is loaded I'm not making a large query.I'd appreciate some help with this. And also where is a good place to learn more advance queries like this. I'm just now getting in to this level.Thanks!