MySql Queries, does LIMIT put a cap on both entries before NOW() and after NOW()


New Member
(I want to make sure I word this correctly so i don't get anymore negative marks today)Say I have a database table with three fields: id, content and timestamp.Entries have been coming in all day, so there's loads of entries and entries will still be coming in periodically.When a visitor views my webpage that will display the entries, the page will display the 10 most recent PLUS any new entries that come in while the visitor is on the page.I made a similar post about this issue, and the only answer I got was "USE LIMIT", but I didn't get a response if that would prohibit any new entries from coming in while the visitor is on the page.Here's what I'm getting at... I want to make the query to my database, then check each entry's timestamp against a constant NOW() variable. I want to limit the amount the query goes back in time, but leave future posts open to infinity.I hope I explained this better this second time. Please lower your pitchforks and torches.