Mysql Passwords And Such


Hi all<br /><br />I tried to install SMF through the new Fantastico and it works fine. But in the install process you are not asked for a password for the default MySQL user of the database. Does anyone know what it is or how to change it correctly. I went into setup screen that showed many * for the password and when I clicked on the field it went blank, so I figured that this is when you set the password. So I entered a new on and did a confirm. Then when I saved the changes I could not get back into the application. So I removed the install and will try again later on. But any help would be nice.<br /><br />Lee<!--content-->
Interesting, when I click on the Fantastico install in the window on the right is asks for the directory as well as the admin username and password at that time. If you did not see that then I would remove it and try again.<!--content-->
After you install<br />the database settings are in the Settings.php file.<!--content-->
And, there is Dons option as well<!--content-->
The database name and password are different from <br />the forum login user and password.<!--content-->
Someday I will learn to read posts.<!--content-->
I just tried the auto install<br />it will show the database user but not the password<br />so if you need it, look at the settings.php file.<br /><br />Keep in mind the install is out of date, and you will need to upgrade from the admin panel<br />after changing permissions for the packages folder.<br />I always change the permissions back to 775 after upgrading.<!--content-->
Thanks guys<br /><br />I will try the install again later when I have more time then now.<br /><br />Thanks again<br /><br />Lee<!--content-->