MySQL not accepting new password


I followed the instructions.

I removed all localhost users from the MySQL users table.
I ran MySQLAdmin to change the root password.

There is still localhost root in the users table with no password.

There is another root with a password - I am scared to delete the localhost root in case the password in the other root is not mine.

Can someone help put my mind at ease - I don't remember having this problem the last time I installed MySQL.

But then I was running version 3 then, and I am running version 4 now.if you installed mysql to your machine for testing purposes then yes you can delete all that. you will add another one anyway.

but I have to ask, why version 4? hardly anybody it using yet.Cheers Scoutt.

As for why v4 - it's the version that MySQL recommended for me to Download . But if hardly anyone is using it, then I might Download the old one instead.if they reccomended it than maybe they are trying to get everybody to change. it will be awhile before that happends as many people are stuck on 3.13.xx

I haven't heard many poeple using it anyway.