Mysql & Mymail


I set up a MySQL database to use with PHPlist, but found the script too difficult to work with so I installed MyMail. When configuring the script, I used the same database. However, in testing I've discovered some features aren't working (e.g., validate subscriptions). Should I have created a new database to use with the MyMail script? <br /><br />I'm not familiar with how MySQL works, but I did notice when I went into phpMyAdmin that PHPlist files are the only ones shown. This is what made me think I needed to create a new database for the MyMail script.<br /><br />Help?<br /><br />Thanks!<!--content-->
The table structure may be different for the new script.<br />I would follow the install instructions.<br /><br />Then be sure that in MySql you <br /><br />1 - created the new database<br />2 - created a user<br />3 -added the user to the database<br /><br /><br />Then to connect to the database in a script use:<br /><br />host: localhost<br />database: <b>yourCpanelName_databaseName</b><br />user: <b>yourCpanelName_databaseUser</b><br />password: <b>mypassword</b><br /><br />Do not try to use phpmyadmin to create the database.<br />But use it to add the tables to the database.<br />The script should have a sql file to create the tables<br />by using the sql tab ans browsing to the file on your computer<br />or copy and paste the text from the table file inti the text query window.<!--content-->
You also may want to look at <b></b><br />phplist, its looks earier to use <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
Actually, I don't agree that phpList is easier to use. I started out with it and couldn't figure out half of what I was supposed to do. That's why I switched to MyMail. It's also free -- and much more user-friendly.<br /><br />Re: the database -- you've sorta answered my question, but not really. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad.gif" /> <br /><br />I think I'm just going to have to do more research and play with the script a bit more.<br /><br />Thanks anyway!<!--content-->
Glad to help.<br /><br />I just tried phplist and thought it was better than others.<br />I will take a look at MyMail too, thanks. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->