MYSQL Infinite Persistant connects


New Member

I'm having a weird problem using Persistant connects in my remote Linux server.

If I enable persistant connects for MYSQL in php.ini, and I begin using mysql_pconnect() in php programs, mysql processes keep adding up.

That is, each time I request a processlist in mysql, I can see that more processes are constantly being created, and the previous ones are in a SLEEP state. So, after a minute or so, I can have 100 processes, all SLEEPING. Even limiting the number of persistant connections in php.ini doesn't stop this.

I don't have this problem if I don't use persistant connects or, what's more strange, this doesn't happen in my local test server.

I'm always using the latest apache, php, mysql and kernel, hoping that this problem will go away, but it doesn't.

Can anyone help me please? Thanks!