MySQL Help


New Member
im new at uploading backups. my members got deleted on my vb so i deleted the stuff containing the database in phpmyadmin. but when I try to upload, i get an error that says
Error in Query:

SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;
MySQL says:

Variable 'character_set_client' can't be set to the value of 'NULL'

i tried bigdump and mysqldumper and i get the same error. here are some screens

please help
is the backup made with phpmyadmin? if so, try to make another one with mysqldumper, you won't get errors with msdumper
ohh thanks. but the problem with that is i deleted the tables already and i reinstalled mysqldumper. is there a way to get a backup from 1-5 days ago? or do i have to edit something in the sql file? if thats it, can anyone help me with that?
i tried older databases from Backup Wizard.... none of them work (MySQL Upload) :( Am I doing something wrong? I download from Backup Wizard in cPanel and I use WinRAR to extract the .gz file of the backup.
sorry for double posting again but when i try to restore the sql file, it only uploads 95 tables to the database.
how many do u have? Also isnt there a VB mod to import databases? Like I said im not sure what ur problem is BUT im sure ur host would be more then happy to help you for free :)
I think there were 187 tables. and if there was a vb mod to import databases, how would i import it if my vb isnt working?