Mysql Database Copy


Hi.<br /><br />I want to do a twin version of my forums. And for, I have to make a perfect copy of the database. But I don't know a lot about databases and I'm only a bit familiar to phpmyadmin...<br /><br />Could anyone help me on that? Just to be sure it's clear, I want to do an exact copy of a MySQL database on the same server. I guess the copy will have a different name than the original...<br /><br />Thanks a lot!<!--content-->
Hi.<br /><br />You can use phpMyAdmin to make a backup copy of the database, create a new one (with a different name, as you said) and load the backup into the new one.<br /><br />In phpMyAdmin, click the database name and select the "export" tab on the top. Then select all the tables you want to backup (all of them, if you want an exact copy) and export them to a file. Then create the new database, go to the SQL tab and upload the backup file.<br /><br />At the end, you should have a perfect copy of the original database.<!--content-->
Thanks a lot guys! It worked perfectly!<!--content-->
Glad it worked <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->