MySql Connection Issue


Staff member
I had tested database connection on "mysql" either php as apache module
or use php.exe. And i would like ask some question

Php As Apache Module
platform : win98
code : mysql_pconnect('localhost','','');

above code running well , i checked against mysqladmin, there is
no increment in the connection except for the frist time connection.

platform : winNT4
code : mysql_pconnect('localhost','','');

pconnect failed, connection is increase by one each time connect to the host.

any one know why failed ? thanks

Php As Standalone
platform : win98
code : mysql_connect('localhost','','');

connection is increase by one each time connect to the host. ok fine,
but according to the php manual, connection will automatic close or by
issue 'mysql_close($link_id)' to terminated the connetion, after the program executed.
But later i check against mysqladmin, the connection isn't release , it's still an
active connection over there.

when the connection will release ?

LIMITED Simultanaues mysql connection
total connection : 204

An error will generated if connection over 204 lines.

mysql cannot support over 204 connections ?

thanks for your answer.