Using mysql on Linux, I want to set up some batch reporting using cron to schedule it all.
How can I get a script to connect to the database without needing to interactively supply the password. Something like ...
#! /bin/sh
mysql localhost -u bloggs - p gobbledygook < control_file > report_file
Probably trivial, but I cant see how to get round it.
I have RTFM several times but must be missing the point.
All suggestions appreciated.
How can I get a script to connect to the database without needing to interactively supply the password. Something like ...
#! /bin/sh
mysql localhost -u bloggs - p gobbledygook < control_file > report_file
Probably trivial, but I cant see how to get round it.
I have RTFM several times but must be missing the point.
All suggestions appreciated.