mySQL based chat service


Staff member
I'm quite experienced with coding so this issue is not a performance problem with any poor scripting. I'm hardly writing any scripts that classify in the NP complete list of problems.

I've written a php/mySQL based chat room, which is running successfully.

Before I wrote it I had reservations about the load this might place on a web server.

Now... I'm running a Standard 733Mhz Pentium 3 with 128 Megs RAM. Both the webserver and database server are running on the machine.

To attempt to performance test the script I opened 50 chat sessions, all talking in the same room (this doesn't matter) Now. I can't type in more than one browser at a time, so how accurate this test was, I'm not sure? Anyway, the results...Windows cr*pped out on its resources and crashed the machine, without generating ANY logs!! grr..

Has anyone had any experience with PHP chat rooms (database driven), did you find that this was a non starter? Or did you find your server vendor killing you (or at least your scripts!!)?

I'd really appreciate your comments.


Dave Forrest