MySQL + Apache


Staff member
People! Help me please!

I have installed Apache 1.3.20 and PHP 4.1.
More or less it worked good.
Then MySQL was needed. I had installed MySQL 3.23.41 and then received
many troubles. MySQL didn't want to launch. It printed
messages like this:
"Error: Can't connect to 'localhost' port 3306".
I made him work only without Apache by changing
some MySQL variables (port=80, bind-address=, user=mysql).
When I launched it with Apache (it doesn't matter what I launch before)
and tried to execute some PHP4 scripts (even simple "Hello World!" script)
such messages appeared:
6 3.23.41-max-debug-logh7uj4br6, ?Bad handshake
6 3.23.41-max-debug-log'SMg?DwM, Bad handshake

Thank you in advance, sincerely yours Vyacheslav.

P.S. I still use Windows 95 OSR2 Russian (Winsock 2.0).