Mysql 5


Hello, I've used TCH for a while now and I am very pleased with your service and support.<br /><br />Now I have another request. To complete an academic project I need a trigger-capable database. AFAIK, the only version of MySQL with this feature is MySQL 5.x.<br /><br />Considering the version you currently use (4.1.21-standard) and two last-year answers about MySQL upgrading plans (<a href="" target="_blank">here</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>), I assume you don't plan on upgrading it in near future.<br /><br />Is there another way of using it? I mean, kind of a private installation or something?<br /><br />Or even installing another DBMS (like PostgreSQL) privately.<br /><br />Thanks in advance,<br />Jos?Lué—Š