My website


New Member
Hi everyone, this is my first msg on this forum, so bear with me.

I have just got my website up and runnig but i am unable to find it when i search of it on the internet, if i use google or any other search engine.
So i was hoping that someone can tell me how or what i can do to enable the general public to search for my website through search engines.
At the moment the only way people can find my site is by actually typing in my web address, but until people start seeing my business cards i'm not going to generate any business.

I'm not sure if i can do this but my website address is [removed] and i am a Cake maker and decorater.

Thanks for your patience and i look forward to getting a response. I would start with the basics to get a general understand first and then move forward from there. Download Google's Starter Guide. What platform are you working on?
Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, some custom platform, etc...???

If it is on wordpress, probably your homepage is 'noindexed' as that is the default setting.
Get into your Dashboard/backend and go to Settings/Privacy/ and select Quote: 'I would like my blog to be visible to everyone,