My website EQTP is alive thanks to . . .


Staff member
To Fang, PeOfEo. DaveSW and Khalid Ali, who helped me make it through the night.<br />
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My website is crunching along withiut any noticible glittches. As the pages are a tutorial in physics I have taken some liberties.<br />
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In any ca e I would like to express my thanks for the very useful advice, information and guidance.<br />
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This is the seminal unveiling (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) of a lot of hard work and a lot of fun seeing it come together. I was about to fall on my sword when I reached this forum and was effectivley rescued.<br />
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Thank you all again.<br />
Mhernanl :D<!--content-->Congratulations! At least we kept you away from your sword... :D<!--content-->